Yes there is a dark side to sports fanatics. Sports fanatics tend to get...well a little crazy when it comes to their teams and sports. This of course leads to a lot of hot heads pushing buttons that they should not be pushing in the first place. This in turn causes many violent acts to break out amongst the fanatics. So much so that people have gotten stabbed, shot, and almost even blown up. Violence from fans is one of the most massive signs that you have stopped being just a fan and have become a sports fanatic.
One of the most well know sports fans to start riots and other types of shenanigans are soccer (futbol) fans. They are some of the most passionate and violent fanatics in the sporting world. They are know for having riots and just flat out brawls because the other team wins. One massive example I can think of is when a disgruntled fan hurled a live grenade onto the field at the Asians Champions League soccer match when Iran versed Saudi Arabia. After the grenade was tossed onto the field a player walking by it picked it up thinking it was debris and tossed it off the field. When it landed on the ground(as you can see in the video below) it exploded. If the player delayed just a couple seconds longer he could have lost his hand. (Washington Post)
Soccer (futbol) is not the only sporting environment where their fanatics go a little lets say....crazy. In the case of football there are also fanatics that decide to take drastic measures because their team lost or a rival fan is being loud that their team is winning. One team in the NFL that is known for its well scary fans are the Oakland Raiders (Picture Below) these fans are one of the craziest fans I have ever seen. Now you would look at the picture below and think "well thats just some of their fans...right?"Well no actually if you ever get to watch a Raiders vs Chargers game you'll begin to notice that almost every Raider fan is that crazy.
Speaking of crazy Raiders fans during a Raiders win...yes a win...a fan decided it was of best judgement to stab a Chargers fan. In another incident involving Raiders fan (shocker)"On Aug. 20 following San Francisco's exhibition victory over the Raiders, two men were shot in the Candlestick Park parking lot. The stabbing is the second violent incident after a Raiders' game this season." (USA Today)
For some reason fanatics take many things to heart especially when it comes to their team. That is why violence breaks out among fellow a fans and is one of the most noticeable and tell tale signs that you have crossed the line from regular fan to a fanatic.

Video *Warning Very Violent*: